"The Beatles Forever" by Nicholas Schaffner HC (poor)
"Beatles at the Movies" by Roy Rarr PB (ok)
"The Beatles vs. The Rolling Stones" by Jim Derogatis and Greg Kot HC (good)
"Yoko Ono: Collector of Skies" by Nell Beram and Carolyn Boriss-Krimsy HC (good)
"The Literary Lennon" by James Sauceda HC (fair)
"The History of the Beatles on Film" by Bill Harry PB (good)
"Ticket to Ride" by Larry Kane HC (good)
"It's Sid Bernstein Calling" by Sid Bernstein HC (good)
"McCartney" by Chris Salewicz HC (good)
"Beatles vs Stones" by John McMillian HC (fair)
"The Act You've Known for All These Years" by Clinton Heylin HC (good)
"The Man Who 'Framed' The Beatles: A Biography of Richard Lester" by Andrew Yule HC (good)
"Faithful: An Autobiography" by Marianne Faithful PB (fair)
"The Day John Met Paul" by Jim O'Donnell PB (fair)
"The Rolling Stone Record Review" by the editors of Rolling Stone PB (poor)
"Let it Be" by Steve Matteo PB (good)
"Ringo Starr: Straight Man or Joker?" by Alan Clayson HC (good)
"The Beatles in America" by Spencer Leigh HC (like new)
"The Beatles in Hamburg" by Spencer Leigh PB (like new)
"The Beatle Book" PB (fair)
"The Beatles Come To America" by Martin Goldsmith HC (good)
"Woman: The Incredible Life of Yoko Ono" by Alan Clayson PB (good)
"All Things Must Pass" by Marc Shapiro PB (good)
"The Beatles: Untold Tales" by Howard DeWitt PB (good)
"Paul is Undead" by Alan Goldsher PB (like new)
"Get Back: Imagine... saving John Lennon" by Donovan Day PB (like new)
"John Lennon and The Beatles Forever" by Ed Naha PB (poor)
"Reaching Out With No Hands: Reconsidering Yoko Ono" by Lisa Carver HC (good)
"Yoko Ono: An Invisible Flower" HC (good)
"Blackbird: The Life and Times of Paul McCartney" by Geoffrey Giuliano HC (like new)
"The Beatles: Messages from John, Paul, George, and Ringo" by Chris Hutchins HC (like new)
"Miss O'Dell" by Chris O'Dell HC (good)
"Yoko Ono" by Jerry Hopkins HC (fair)
"Sundays with Sullivan" by Bernie Ilson HC (good)
"Linda McCartney: A Portrait" by Danny Fields HC (good)
"Loving John" by May Pang HC (fair)
"Beowulf to The Beatles" by David Pichaske PB (good)
"The Lives of John Lennon" by Albert Goldman HC (fair)
"When They Were Boys" by Larry Kane HC (good)
"Beatleness" by Candy Leonard HC (good)
"Paul McCartney: A Life" by Peter Ames Carlin PB (fair)
"Lennon: The Definitive Biography" by Ray Coleman PB (fair)
"Paul" by Life Magazine HC (like new)
"Lennon" by Tim Riley HC (good)
"Yesterday" by Chet Flippo HC (fair)
"John Lennon: The Life" by Philip Norman HC (good)
"Paul McCartney: The Life" by Philip Norman HC (like new)
"Fab: An Intimate Life of Paul McCartney" by Howard Sounes HC (good)
"Come Together" by Jon Wiener HC (poor)
"The Beatles at the Beeb 1962-65" by Kevin Howlett PB (good)
"Tomorrow Never Knows: The Beatles on Record" by Spencer Leigh PB (like new)
"The Beatles: Image and the Media" by Michael Frontani PB (fair)
"Changin' Times" by Al Sussman PB (like new)
"If You Like The Beatles..." by Bruce Pollack PB (good)
"Beatleology" by Adam Jaquette PB (good)
"The Paul McCartney World Tour" (fair)
"Music of Our Time" by Nick Rossi HC (fair)
"The Agony of Modern Music" by Henry Pleasants PB (poor)
"Continuing Bonds" edited by Dennis Klass PB (good)
"Turn on Your Mind" by Jim DeRogatis PB (good)
"The Classical Mandolin" by Paul Sparks PB (fair)
"The Invention of Beethoven and Rosssini" edited by Nicholas Matthew PB (fair)
"Lady Gaga: Beyond the Fame" by Emily Herbert PB (fair)
"Dylan on Dylan" PB (fair)
"Pink Floyd: Bricks in the Wall" by Karl Dallas PB (fair)
"Jagger: Unauthorized" by Christopher Andersen HC (fair)
"Pop Music, U.S.A." by Simon Anderson PB (good)
"The Show that Never Ends: The Rise and Fall of Prog Rock" by David Weigal HC (good)
"Led Zeppelin: A Celebration" by Dave Lewis PB (fair)
"Rollin' With Dre" by Bruce Williams HV (good)
"Down the Highway: The Life of Bob Dylan" by Howard Sounes PB (good)
"Great American Music: Broadway Musicals" Parts 1 and 2 by Bill Messenger (16 CD set) (fair)
"Rap Music and Street Consciousness" by Cheryl L. Keyes PB (fair)
"Whatever You Say I Am: The Life and Times of Eminem" by Anthony Bozza HC (like new)
"Somebody Scream: Rap Music's Rise to Prominence in the Aftershock of Black Power" by Marcus Reeves HC (fair)
"A Concise History of Jazz" by John Robert Brown PB (good)
"The Making of Jazz" by James Lincoln Collier PB (fair)
"Gaga" by Johnny Morgan HC (good)
"Children and the Death of a President" edited by Martha Wolfenstein HC (fair)
"The Airbnb Story" by Leigh Gallagher HC (good)
"A History of American Music Education" 3rd edition by Michael Mark PB (poor)
"A Concise Survey of Music Philosophy" by Donald Hodges PB (poor)
"Renaissance Music" by Allan Atlas HC (poor)
"Anthology of Renaissance Music" by Allan Atlas PB (poor)
"Perspectives on Learning" 5th edition by D. C. Phillips PB (fair)
"Psychology of Music: From Sound to Significance" by Siu-Lan Tan PB (fair)
Rolling Stone: 7 November 2013 - McCartney cover story
Rolling Stone: 2013 special issue on McCartney
Life: 2015 icons issue on Bob Dylan
Esquire: August 2015 - McCartney cover story
"The Beatles Forever" by Nicholas Schaffner HC (poor)
"Beatles at the Movies" by Roy Rarr PB (ok)
"The Beatles vs. The Rolling Stones" by Jim Derogatis and Greg Kot HC (good)
"Yoko Ono: Collector of Skies" by Nell Beram and Carolyn Boriss-Krimsy HC (good)
"The Literary Lennon" by James Sauceda HC (fair)
"The History of the Beatles on Film" by Bill Harry PB (good)
"Ticket to Ride" by Larry Kane HC (good)
"It's Sid Bernstein Calling" by Sid Bernstein HC (good)
"McCartney" by Chris Salewicz HC (good)
"Beatles vs Stones" by John McMillian HC (fair)
"The Act You've Known for All These Years" by Clinton Heylin HC (good)
"The Man Who 'Framed' The Beatles: A Biography of Richard Lester" by Andrew Yule HC (good)
"Faithful: An Autobiography" by Marianne Faithful PB (fair)
"The Day John Met Paul" by Jim O'Donnell PB (fair)
"The Rolling Stone Record Review" by the editors of Rolling Stone PB (poor)
"Let it Be" by Steve Matteo PB (good)
"Ringo Starr: Straight Man or Joker?" by Alan Clayson HC (good)
"The Beatles in America" by Spencer Leigh HC (like new)
"The Beatles in Hamburg" by Spencer Leigh PB (like new)
"The Beatle Book" PB (fair)
"The Beatles Come To America" by Martin Goldsmith HC (good)
"Woman: The Incredible Life of Yoko Ono" by Alan Clayson PB (good)
"All Things Must Pass" by Marc Shapiro PB (good)
"The Beatles: Untold Tales" by Howard DeWitt PB (good)
"Paul is Undead" by Alan Goldsher PB (like new)
"Get Back: Imagine... saving John Lennon" by Donovan Day PB (like new)
"John Lennon and The Beatles Forever" by Ed Naha PB (poor)
"Reaching Out With No Hands: Reconsidering Yoko Ono" by Lisa Carver HC (good)
"Yoko Ono: An Invisible Flower" HC (good)
"Blackbird: The Life and Times of Paul McCartney" by Geoffrey Giuliano HC (like new)
"The Beatles: Messages from John, Paul, George, and Ringo" by Chris Hutchins HC (like new)
"Miss O'Dell" by Chris O'Dell HC (good)
"Yoko Ono" by Jerry Hopkins HC (fair)
"Sundays with Sullivan" by Bernie Ilson HC (good)
"Linda McCartney: A Portrait" by Danny Fields HC (good)
"Loving John" by May Pang HC (fair)
"Beowulf to The Beatles" by David Pichaske PB (good)
"The Lives of John Lennon" by Albert Goldman HC (fair)
"When They Were Boys" by Larry Kane HC (good)
"Beatleness" by Candy Leonard HC (good)
"Paul McCartney: A Life" by Peter Ames Carlin PB (fair)
"Lennon: The Definitive Biography" by Ray Coleman PB (fair)
"Paul" by Life Magazine HC (like new)
"Lennon" by Tim Riley HC (good)
"Yesterday" by Chet Flippo HC (fair)
"John Lennon: The Life" by Philip Norman HC (good)
"Paul McCartney: The Life" by Philip Norman HC (like new)
"Fab: An Intimate Life of Paul McCartney" by Howard Sounes HC (good)
"Come Together" by Jon Wiener HC (poor)
"The Beatles at the Beeb 1962-65" by Kevin Howlett PB (good)
"Tomorrow Never Knows: The Beatles on Record" by Spencer Leigh PB (like new)
"The Beatles: Image and the Media" by Michael Frontani PB (fair)
"Changin' Times" by Al Sussman PB (like new)
"If You Like The Beatles..." by Bruce Pollack PB (good)
"Beatleology" by Adam Jaquette PB (good)
"The Paul McCartney World Tour" (fair)
"Music of Our Time" by Nick Rossi HC (fair)
"The Agony of Modern Music" by Henry Pleasants PB (poor)
"Continuing Bonds" edited by Dennis Klass PB (good)
"Turn on Your Mind" by Jim DeRogatis PB (good)
"The Classical Mandolin" by Paul Sparks PB (fair)
"The Invention of Beethoven and Rosssini" edited by Nicholas Matthew PB (fair)
"Lady Gaga: Beyond the Fame" by Emily Herbert PB (fair)
"Dylan on Dylan" PB (fair)
"Pink Floyd: Bricks in the Wall" by Karl Dallas PB (fair)
"Jagger: Unauthorized" by Christopher Andersen HC (fair)
"Pop Music, U.S.A." by Simon Anderson PB (good)
"The Show that Never Ends: The Rise and Fall of Prog Rock" by David Weigal HC (good)
"Led Zeppelin: A Celebration" by Dave Lewis PB (fair)
"Rollin' With Dre" by Bruce Williams HV (good)
"Down the Highway: The Life of Bob Dylan" by Howard Sounes PB (good)
"Great American Music: Broadway Musicals" Parts 1 and 2 by Bill Messenger (16 CD set) (fair)
"Rap Music and Street Consciousness" by Cheryl L. Keyes PB (fair)
"Whatever You Say I Am: The Life and Times of Eminem" by Anthony Bozza HC (like new)
"Somebody Scream: Rap Music's Rise to Prominence in the Aftershock of Black Power" by Marcus Reeves HC (fair)
"A Concise History of Jazz" by John Robert Brown PB (good)
"The Making of Jazz" by James Lincoln Collier PB (fair)
"Gaga" by Johnny Morgan HC (good)
"Children and the Death of a President" edited by Martha Wolfenstein HC (fair)
"The Airbnb Story" by Leigh Gallagher HC (good)
"A History of American Music Education" 3rd edition by Michael Mark PB (poor)
"A Concise Survey of Music Philosophy" by Donald Hodges PB (poor)
"Renaissance Music" by Allan Atlas HC (poor)
"Anthology of Renaissance Music" by Allan Atlas PB (poor)
"Perspectives on Learning" 5th edition by D. C. Phillips PB (fair)
"Psychology of Music: From Sound to Significance" by Siu-Lan Tan PB (fair)
Rolling Stone: 7 November 2013 - McCartney cover story
Rolling Stone: 2013 special issue on McCartney
Life: 2015 icons issue on Bob Dylan
Esquire: August 2015 - McCartney cover story