This blog is a comparison of The Force Awakens, For Your Consideration soundtrack with the music actually heard in the film. The timings of the soundtrack (minute:second) are on the left, followed by an equal sign (=) and the approximate corresponding timings where that cue is used in the film (hour:minutes:second) on the right. For coordination purposes, the opening musical hit comes at 10 seconds (in other words, the first 10 seconds are silence, which corresponds to “A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...”).
Track 01: The Attack on the Jakku Village Part 1 0:00-5:27 = 0:01:35-0:07:02 Track 02: The Attack on the Jakku Village Part 2 0:00-1:53 = 0:08:07-0:10:00 Track 03: The Scavenger 0:00-1:52 = 0:11:14-0:13:06 Track 04: Lunchtime 0:00-1:12 = 0:13:27-0:14:40 Track 05: I Can Fly Anything 0:00-4:09 = 0:19:55-0:24:04 Track 06: Finn's Trek 0:00-1:35 = 0:25:13-0:26:49 Track 07: Follow Me and The Falcon 0:00-7:09 = 0:28:38-0:35:47 Track 08: The Rathtars 0:00-1:19 = 0:46:00-0:47:19 Track 09: Snoke 0:00-2:07 = 0:49:13-0:51:21 Track 10: You Got A Name 0:00-1:32 = 0:55:46-0:57:18 Track 11: I'm No Hero 0:00-1:06 = 1:03:04-1:04:11 Track 12: The Starkiller 0:00-1:48 = 1:09:24-1:11:12 Track 13: Kylo Ren Arrives at the Battle 0:00-2:15 = 1:11:12-1:13:28 Track 14: The Resistance 0:00-1:35 = 1:15:11-1:16:46 Track 15: The Abduction 0:00-1:35 = 1:17:57-1:19:32 Track 16: Finn and Poe, United 0:00-2:01 = 1:20:45-1:22:46 Track 17: The Bombing Run 0:00-1:33 = 1:39:18-1:40:51 1:33-1:47 = not used in film 1:47-2:02 = 1:41:10-1:41:26 Track 18: On The Inside 0:00-2:50 = 1:42:36-1:45:26 Track 19: Torn Apart 0:00-4:19 = 1:47:30-1:51:50 Track 20: The Ways of the Force 0:00-3:58 = 1:53:50-1:57:49 Track 21: The Journey Home 0:00-2:14 = 1:58:48-2:01:03 Track 22: Farewell and The Trip 0:00-3:49 = 2:01:03-2:04:45 Track 23: The Jedi Steps and Finale 0:00-3:23= 2:04:45-2:08:10 3:23-4:11 = not used in film 4:11-9:58 = 2:11:43-2:17:30 So, what do all these numbers mean? It means that the For Your Consideration version of the soundtrack contains the music actually heard in the film. There are a few exceptions: Track 17: The Bombing Run is not used in the film from 1:33-1:47; and neither is Track 23: The Jedi Steps and Finale from 3:23-4:11. But EVERYTHING ELSE is used in the film, and exactly as heard on this version of the soundtrack.
This blog is a comparison of the The Empire Strikes Back soundtrack with the music actually heard in the film, with the timings of the soundtrack (minute:second) on the left, followed by an equal sign (=) and the approximate corresponding timings where that cue is used in the film (hour:minutes:second) on the right.
Disc 1 Track 1: Twentieth Century-Fox Fanfare 0:00-0:21 = 0:00:02-0:00:22 Disc 1 Track 2: Main Title/The Ice Planet Hoth 0:00-1:31 = 0:00:29-0:01:59 1:31-2:30 = not used in film 2:30-3:53 = 0:02:54-0:04:17 3:53-5:22 = not used in film 5:22-6:41 = 0:05:46-0:07:04 6:41-8:07 = not used in film Disc 1 Track 3: The Wampa's Lair/Vision Of Obi-Wan/Snowspeeder 0:00-1:42 = 0:08:21-0:10:09 0:10-0:29 = 0:16:30-0:16:49 1:42-4:29 = not used in film 4:29-6:48 = 0:12:56-0:15:14 6:48-7:54 = not used in film 7:54-8:11 = 0:16:12-0:16:30 8:11-8:47 = not used in film Disc 1 Track 4: The Imperial Probe/Aboard The Executor 0:00-0:54 = 0:01:59-0:02:54 0:54-3:18 = not used in film 3:18-4:16 = 0:19:47-0:21:30 4:16-4:23 = not used in film Disc 1 Track 5: The Battle of Hoth 0:01-4:01 = 0:21:55-0:25:52 4:01-4:27 = not used in film 4:27-7:36 = 0:26:15-0:29:31 7:36-7:40 = not used in film 7:40-11:28 = 0:29:31-0:33:15 11:16-11:41 = 0:33:15-0:33:40 11:41-11:43 = not used in film 11:43-13:40 = 0:33:40-0:35:37 13:40-13:51 = not used in film 13:51-14:37 = 0:35:45-0:36:31 14:37-14:45 = not used in film Disc 1 Track 6: The Asteroid Field 0:01-0:27 = 0:36:49-0:37:16 0:27-0:29 = not used in film 0:29-2:54 = 0:37:16-0:39:40 2:54-2:57 = not used in film 2:57-4:05 = 0:39:40-0:40:48 4:10-4:15 = not used in film Disc 1 Track 7: Arrival on Dagobah 0:00-1:20 = 0:41:35-0:42:55 1:19-1:20 = 0:42:55-0:42:56 1:19-1:48 = 0:42:56-0:43:26 1:48-3:30 = 0:43:28-0:45:09 3:20-3:29 = 0:04:17-0:04:26 3:29-3:33 = not used in film 3:33-4:51 = 0:46:09-0:47:28 Disc 1 Track 8: Luke's Nocturnal Visitor 0:00-1:48 = not used in film 1:48-2:10 = 0:49:45-0:50:08 2:04-2:11 = 0:50:08-0:50:17 2:11-2:24 = not used in film 2:24-2:29 = 0:50:17-0:50:22 2:29-2:35 = not used in film Disc 1 Track 9: Han Solo and The Princess 0:01-1:34 = 0:50:46-0:52:19 1:35-3:03 = 0:52:19-0:53:47 2:39-3:25 = 0:53:47-0:54:31 Disc 1 Track 10: Jedi Master Revealed/Mynock Cave 0:02-2:08 = 0:55:36-0:57:42 3:16-5:36 = 0:58:44-1:01:04 5:36-5:43 = not used in film Disc 1 Track 11: The Training Of A Jedi Knight/The Magic Tree 0:00-1:36 = not used in film 1:36-4:26 = 1:02:32-1:05:21 4:30-5:06 = 1:05:21-1:05:56 5:06-5:14 = not used in film Disc 2 Track 1: The Imperial March (Darth Vader's Theme) Concert version (not used in film) Disc 2 Track 2: Yoda's Theme Concert version (not used in film) Disc 2 Track 3: Attacking a Star Destroyer 0:00-0:06 = not used in film 0:06-3:04 = 1:06:09-1:09:07 Disc 2 Track 4: Yoda and The Force 0:00-3:04 = 1:09:46-1:12:50 0:31-0:52 = 1:59:48-2:00:09 3:04-3:05 = not used in film 3:05-3:52 = 1:12:50-1:13:37 3:52-4:01 = not used in film Disc 2 Track 5: Imperial Starfleet Deployed/City In The Clouds 0:00-0:26 = not used in film 0:26-0:52 = 1:14:13-1:14:39 0:52-1:16 = not used in film 1:16-1:51 = 1:15:54-1:16:30 1:47-1:54 = 1:16:30-1:16:37 1:54-1:56 = not used in film 1:56-3:47 = 1:16:37-1:18:28 3:51-5:17 = 1:18:28-1:19:52 5:17-6:02 = not used in film Disc 2 Track 6: Lando's Palace 0:00-3:53 = 1:21:35-1:25:27 Disc 2 Track 7: Betrayal at Bespin 0:01-0:12 = 1:25:30-1:25:42 0:12-0:20 = not used in film 0:20-1:00 = 1:25:57-1:26:37 1:00-2:36 = 1:27:46-1:29:21 2:18-2:33 = 1:25:42-1:25:57 2:36-2:44 = not used in film 2:44-3:45 = 1:29:48-1:30:50 Disc 2 Track 8: Deal With the Dark Lord 0:00-2:29 = 1:31:23-1:33:51 2:29-2:36 = not used in film Disc 2 Track 9: Carbon Freeze/Darth Vader's Trap/Departure 0:01-0:17 = 1:34:21-1:34:37 0:17-0:20 = not used in film 0:20-2:14 = 1:34:37-1:36:31 2:14-2:16 = not used in film 2:16-2:18 = 1:36:31-1:36:33 2:18-2:34 = 1:36:33-1:36:50 (Several minute edits around here make timing inexact.) 2:34-3:30 = not used in film 3:30-4:17 = 1:37:04-1:37:51 4:17-5:35 = 1:37:54-1:39:12 5:35-5:37 = not used in film 5:37-6:51 = 1:39:12-1:40:27 6:51-8:12 = not used in film 8:12-10:20 = 1:41:46-1:43:54 10:20-11:48 = not used in film Disc 2 Track 10: The Clash of Lightsabers 0:00-0:26 = not used in film 0:26-1:42 = 1:45:52-1:47:06 1:38-4:15 = 1:47:06-1:49:44 Disc 2 Track 11: Rescue From Cloud City/Hyperspace 0:00-1:56 = 1:50:27-1:52:22 0:02-0:06 = 1:55:55-1:55:59 1:55-3:51 = 1:52:22-1:54:17 3:57-4:11 = 1:54:26-1:54:40 4:08-4:46 = 1:54:40-1:55:18 4:46-4:51 = not used in film 4:51-5:02 = 1:55:18-1:55:30 5:02-5:04 = not used in film 5:04-5:29 = 1:55:30-1:55:55 5:23-5:26 = 0:15:29-0:15:31 5:23-5:26 = 0:15:31-0:15:34 5:23-5:26 = 0:15:34-0:15:37 5:23-5:24 = 0:15:37-0:15:38 5:24-5:27 = 1:58:56-1:58:59 5:27-5:32 = 1:56:15-1:56:21 5:34-5:58 = 0:15:38-0:16:02 5:36-5:54 = 1:56:21-1:56:49 5:54-6:11 = not used in film 6:11-6:21 = 0:16:02-0:16:12 6:14-8:14 = 1:56:56-1:58:56 8:14-9:03 = 1:58:59-1:59:48 Disc 2 Track 12: The Rebel Fleet/End Title 0:01-0:34 = 2:00:08-2:00:40 0:29-1:22 = 2:00:40-2:01:34 1:22-1:34 = not used in film 1:34-4:37 = 2:01:34-2:04:36 (This doesn't quite line up, suggesting a different take was used than the one on the soundtrack.) 3:42-6:25 = 2:04:36-2:07:20 This blog will be a comparison of the "A New Hope" soundtrack with the music actually heard in the film, with the timings of the soundtrack (minute:second) on the left, followed by an equal sign (=) and the approximate corresponding timings where that cue is used in the film (hour:minutes:second) on the right. Sections followed by an asterisk (*) are briefly discussed further in the notes below each track's timings.
This comparison is made using the Special Edition DVD of the film, and the accompanying 2-disc soundtrack. Disc 1 Track 1: 20th Century Fox Fanfare 0:00-0:21 = 0:00:02-0:00:23 Disc 1 Track 2: Main Title/Rebel Blockade Runner 0:00-2:16 = 0:00:29-0:02:45 Disc 1 Track 3: Imperial Attack 0:00-0:04 = not used in film 0:04-6:44 = 0:02:39-0:09:16* NOTE: This track is an instance where the music is heard ever so slightly faster in the film that it is on the recording to help precisely coordinate the two, accounting for the slight difference in timings (0:04-6:44 is a total of 400 seconds, while 0:02:39-0:09:16 totals 397 seconds). Disc 1 Track 4: The Dune Sea of Tatooine/Jawa Sandcrawler 0:00-0:57 = 0:10:28-0:11:25 0:57-1:20 = 0:12:31-0:12:52* 1:20-1:37 = not used in film 1:37-1:51 = 0:12:52-0:13:06 1:51-2:44 = not used in film 2:44-4:54 = 0:13:06-0:15:16 NOTE: Where the previous track's discrepancies between the soundtrack timings and the film timings were the product of ever so slight adjustments in playback speed, this track's discrepancies are the result of editing (0:57-1:20 totals 23 seconds, but it occurs in the film from 0:12:31-0:12:52, totaling 21 seconds). But attempting to precisely dictate these edits using the format above would be tremendously tedious and not very informative, so I've chosen instead to write this note explaining in words rather than showing with timings why the soundtrack and film don't match perfectly. Disc 1 Track 5: The Moisture Farm Around 0:10 = 0:15:40-0:15:50* 0:00-1:53 = 0:15:50-0:17:41 1:57-2:23 = -0:19:16-0:19:42 NOTE: Once again, the editing of this track at around 0:10 is such that precise comparison would be both difficult to execute and unhelpful to a reader. Disc 1 Track 6: The Hologram/Binary Sunset 0:00-1:53 = 0:21:08-0:23:00 1:53-4:10 = 0:25:11-0:27:28 Disc 1 Track 7: Landspeeder Search/Attack of the Sand People 0:00-0:09 = 0:27:45-0:27:55 0:09-0:32 = not used in film 0:32-0:42 = 0:27:55-0:28:05 0:50-0:57 = 0:28:05-0:28:12 0:59-1:08 = 0:28:12-0:28:21 1:08-3:21 = 0:28:37-0:30:51 Disc 1 Track 8: Tales of a Jedi Knight/Learn About the Force 0:00-1:39 = 0:31:05-0:32:45 1:39-2:39 = 0:34:08-0:35:06 2:39-3:30 = 0:35:06-0:35:56 3:30-4:30 = 0:36:11-0:37:11 Disc 1 Track 9: Burning Homestead 0:00-1:54 = 0:39:06-0:41:00 1:54-2:52 = 0:41:02-0:41:59* NOTE: This music overlaps slightly with the next track in the film. Disc 1 Track 10: Mos Eisley Spaceport 0:00-1:06 = 0:41:42-0:42:48* 1:06-1:20 = not used in film 1:20-2:13 = 0:43:28-0:44:20 NOTE: This music overlaps slightly with the previous track in the film. Disc 1 Track 11: Cantina Band 0:00-0:29 = 0:44:52-0:45:22 0:00-1:05 = 0:45:54-0:46:59 0:00-0:18 = 0:47:16-0:47:34 1:05-1:57 = not used in film 1:57-2:29 = 0:45:22-0:45:54 2:29-2:47 = not used in film Disc 1 Track 12: Cantina Band #2 0:00-1:28 = 0:48:24-0:49:53 0:04-0:14 = 0:47:41-0:47:51 0:04-0:27 = 0:47:53-0:48:25 1:33-2:49 = 0:49:58-0:51:14 2:49-2:59 = not used in film 2:59-3:01 = 0:47:51-0:47:53 3:01-3:50 = not used in film Disc 1 Track 13: Binary Sunset (Alternate) Alternate takes, not used in film. Disc 2 Track 1: Princess Leia's Theme Concert suite (not used in film). Disc 2 Track 2: The Millennium Falcon/Imperial Cruiser Pursuit 0:00-0:58 = 0:51:42-0:52:41 0:58-1:33 = 0:54:13-0:54:49 1:34-2:12 = 0:55:03-0:55:42 2:12-2:16 = not used in film 2:16-3:52 = 0:55:47-0:57:24 Disc 2 Track 3: Destruction of Alderaan 0:00-1:21 = 0:58:09-0:59:30 Disc 2 Track 4: The Death Star/The Stormtroopers 0:00-1:21= 1:04:28-1:05:51 1:21-1:25 = 1:05:51-1:05:55* 1:22-1:38 = 1:05:54-1:06:11* 1:38-3:35 = 1:07:14-1:09:11 NOTE: There is repetition of 1:22-1:25. This extends the Stormtrooper motif so that it more closely parallels the visuals of the scene. Disc 2 Track 5: Wookie Prisoner/Detention Block Ambush 0:00-4:03 = 1:12:32-1:16:35 0:39-1:02 = 0:15:16-0:15:40* NOTE: 0:39-1:02 of this track is used much earlier in the film than the whole track, which is used later on. Presumably this is because the producers of the Special Edition needed music for the additional scenes, and this excerpt (which I assume was not used in the original film) was both available and fit the character of the added scenes. Disc 2 Track 6: Shootout in the Cell Bay/Dianoga 0:00-2:11 = 1:17:05-1:19:16 2:20-2:38 = 0:42:48-0:43:07* 2:23-2:58 = not used in film 2:58-3:15 = 0:43:07-0:43:24* NOTE: 2:20-2:38 and 2:58-3:15 are used much earlier in the film than the rest of the track. Again, presumably this is because the producers of the Special Edition needed music for the additional scenes. Disc 2 Track 7: The Trash Compactor 0:00-0:41 = not used in film? 0:41-3:08 = 1:22:16-1:24:44 Disc 2 Track 8: The Tractor Beam/Chasm Crossfire 0:00-5:19 = 1:25:00-1:30:20 Disc 2 Track 9: Ben Kenobi's Death/Tie Fighter Attack 0:00-0:56 = 1:32:20-1:33:17 0:48-1:31 = 1:33:17-1:34:00 1:32-3:53 = 1:34:02-1:36:23 Disc 2 Track 10: The Battle of Yavin 0:00-1:11 = 1:45:02-1:46:17 * 1:11-4:32 = 1:46:17-1:49:39 4:33-9:07 = 1:53:25-1:57:58 NOTE: The first minute plus of this track is slowed by about 5% in the film. This accounts for the timing discrepancy (0:00-1:11 is 71 seconds, while 1:45:02-1:46:17 is 56 seconds). Starting at 1:11, however, the track resumes full speed (so there is no such timing discrepancy between the soundtrack and the film). Disc 2 Track 11: The Throne Room/End Title 0:00-2:57 = 1:58:28-2:01:26 2:17-5:35 = 2:01:26-2:04:45 |
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December 2019