A popular subject of debate in various Star Wars internet chatrooms is the degree of similarity between "Across the Stars", the love theme of Attack of the Clones... ... and the initial melody of the theme from Hook. Both films being scored by John Williams, it is no surprise to find similarities. As I have pointed out in previous blogs, Williams often borrows heavily from other sources, and in this case he borrows from himself. To illustrate, here is a visual score examle. Of the 16 notes used in "Across the Stars", all but three correspond with Hook. That's not to say that the two are identical - the register (soprano vs. alto), instrumentation (oboe vs. horns), tempo (slow vs. fast), and character (love theme vs. fantasy/adventure theme) are all completely different - but intervallically they are very similar indeed.
This blog is a comparison of the The Empire Strikes Back soundtrack with the music actually heard in the film, with the timings of the soundtrack (minute:second) on the left, followed by an equal sign (=) and the approximate corresponding timings where that cue is used in the film (hour:minutes:second) on the right.
Disc 1 Track 1: Twentieth Century-Fox Fanfare 0:00-0:21 = 0:00:02-0:00:22 Disc 1 Track 2: Main Title/The Ice Planet Hoth 0:00-1:31 = 0:00:29-0:01:59 1:31-2:30 = not used in film 2:30-3:53 = 0:02:54-0:04:17 3:53-5:22 = not used in film 5:22-6:41 = 0:05:46-0:07:04 6:41-8:07 = not used in film Disc 1 Track 3: The Wampa's Lair/Vision Of Obi-Wan/Snowspeeder 0:00-1:42 = 0:08:21-0:10:09 0:10-0:29 = 0:16:30-0:16:49 1:42-4:29 = not used in film 4:29-6:48 = 0:12:56-0:15:14 6:48-7:54 = not used in film 7:54-8:11 = 0:16:12-0:16:30 8:11-8:47 = not used in film Disc 1 Track 4: The Imperial Probe/Aboard The Executor 0:00-0:54 = 0:01:59-0:02:54 0:54-3:18 = not used in film 3:18-4:16 = 0:19:47-0:21:30 4:16-4:23 = not used in film Disc 1 Track 5: The Battle of Hoth 0:01-4:01 = 0:21:55-0:25:52 4:01-4:27 = not used in film 4:27-7:36 = 0:26:15-0:29:31 7:36-7:40 = not used in film 7:40-11:28 = 0:29:31-0:33:15 11:16-11:41 = 0:33:15-0:33:40 11:41-11:43 = not used in film 11:43-13:40 = 0:33:40-0:35:37 13:40-13:51 = not used in film 13:51-14:37 = 0:35:45-0:36:31 14:37-14:45 = not used in film Disc 1 Track 6: The Asteroid Field 0:01-0:27 = 0:36:49-0:37:16 0:27-0:29 = not used in film 0:29-2:54 = 0:37:16-0:39:40 2:54-2:57 = not used in film 2:57-4:05 = 0:39:40-0:40:48 4:10-4:15 = not used in film Disc 1 Track 7: Arrival on Dagobah 0:00-1:20 = 0:41:35-0:42:55 1:19-1:20 = 0:42:55-0:42:56 1:19-1:48 = 0:42:56-0:43:26 1:48-3:30 = 0:43:28-0:45:09 3:20-3:29 = 0:04:17-0:04:26 3:29-3:33 = not used in film 3:33-4:51 = 0:46:09-0:47:28 Disc 1 Track 8: Luke's Nocturnal Visitor 0:00-1:48 = not used in film 1:48-2:10 = 0:49:45-0:50:08 2:04-2:11 = 0:50:08-0:50:17 2:11-2:24 = not used in film 2:24-2:29 = 0:50:17-0:50:22 2:29-2:35 = not used in film Disc 1 Track 9: Han Solo and The Princess 0:01-1:34 = 0:50:46-0:52:19 1:35-3:03 = 0:52:19-0:53:47 2:39-3:25 = 0:53:47-0:54:31 Disc 1 Track 10: Jedi Master Revealed/Mynock Cave 0:02-2:08 = 0:55:36-0:57:42 3:16-5:36 = 0:58:44-1:01:04 5:36-5:43 = not used in film Disc 1 Track 11: The Training Of A Jedi Knight/The Magic Tree 0:00-1:36 = not used in film 1:36-4:26 = 1:02:32-1:05:21 4:30-5:06 = 1:05:21-1:05:56 5:06-5:14 = not used in film Disc 2 Track 1: The Imperial March (Darth Vader's Theme) Concert version (not used in film) Disc 2 Track 2: Yoda's Theme Concert version (not used in film) Disc 2 Track 3: Attacking a Star Destroyer 0:00-0:06 = not used in film 0:06-3:04 = 1:06:09-1:09:07 Disc 2 Track 4: Yoda and The Force 0:00-3:04 = 1:09:46-1:12:50 0:31-0:52 = 1:59:48-2:00:09 3:04-3:05 = not used in film 3:05-3:52 = 1:12:50-1:13:37 3:52-4:01 = not used in film Disc 2 Track 5: Imperial Starfleet Deployed/City In The Clouds 0:00-0:26 = not used in film 0:26-0:52 = 1:14:13-1:14:39 0:52-1:16 = not used in film 1:16-1:51 = 1:15:54-1:16:30 1:47-1:54 = 1:16:30-1:16:37 1:54-1:56 = not used in film 1:56-3:47 = 1:16:37-1:18:28 3:51-5:17 = 1:18:28-1:19:52 5:17-6:02 = not used in film Disc 2 Track 6: Lando's Palace 0:00-3:53 = 1:21:35-1:25:27 Disc 2 Track 7: Betrayal at Bespin 0:01-0:12 = 1:25:30-1:25:42 0:12-0:20 = not used in film 0:20-1:00 = 1:25:57-1:26:37 1:00-2:36 = 1:27:46-1:29:21 2:18-2:33 = 1:25:42-1:25:57 2:36-2:44 = not used in film 2:44-3:45 = 1:29:48-1:30:50 Disc 2 Track 8: Deal With the Dark Lord 0:00-2:29 = 1:31:23-1:33:51 2:29-2:36 = not used in film Disc 2 Track 9: Carbon Freeze/Darth Vader's Trap/Departure 0:01-0:17 = 1:34:21-1:34:37 0:17-0:20 = not used in film 0:20-2:14 = 1:34:37-1:36:31 2:14-2:16 = not used in film 2:16-2:18 = 1:36:31-1:36:33 2:18-2:34 = 1:36:33-1:36:50 (Several minute edits around here make timing inexact.) 2:34-3:30 = not used in film 3:30-4:17 = 1:37:04-1:37:51 4:17-5:35 = 1:37:54-1:39:12 5:35-5:37 = not used in film 5:37-6:51 = 1:39:12-1:40:27 6:51-8:12 = not used in film 8:12-10:20 = 1:41:46-1:43:54 10:20-11:48 = not used in film Disc 2 Track 10: The Clash of Lightsabers 0:00-0:26 = not used in film 0:26-1:42 = 1:45:52-1:47:06 1:38-4:15 = 1:47:06-1:49:44 Disc 2 Track 11: Rescue From Cloud City/Hyperspace 0:00-1:56 = 1:50:27-1:52:22 0:02-0:06 = 1:55:55-1:55:59 1:55-3:51 = 1:52:22-1:54:17 3:57-4:11 = 1:54:26-1:54:40 4:08-4:46 = 1:54:40-1:55:18 4:46-4:51 = not used in film 4:51-5:02 = 1:55:18-1:55:30 5:02-5:04 = not used in film 5:04-5:29 = 1:55:30-1:55:55 5:23-5:26 = 0:15:29-0:15:31 5:23-5:26 = 0:15:31-0:15:34 5:23-5:26 = 0:15:34-0:15:37 5:23-5:24 = 0:15:37-0:15:38 5:24-5:27 = 1:58:56-1:58:59 5:27-5:32 = 1:56:15-1:56:21 5:34-5:58 = 0:15:38-0:16:02 5:36-5:54 = 1:56:21-1:56:49 5:54-6:11 = not used in film 6:11-6:21 = 0:16:02-0:16:12 6:14-8:14 = 1:56:56-1:58:56 8:14-9:03 = 1:58:59-1:59:48 Disc 2 Track 12: The Rebel Fleet/End Title 0:01-0:34 = 2:00:08-2:00:40 0:29-1:22 = 2:00:40-2:01:34 1:22-1:34 = not used in film 1:34-4:37 = 2:01:34-2:04:36 (This doesn't quite line up, suggesting a different take was used than the one on the soundtrack.) 3:42-6:25 = 2:04:36-2:07:20 Here is a catalog of comparison between "The Empire Strikes Back" special edition DVD and accompanying soundtrack. The film timings (hour:minutes:seconds) are listed on the left, with approximate corresponding timings on the soundtrack (disc #, track #, minutes:seconds) on the right.
0:00:00-0:00:02 = no music 0:00:02-0:00:22 = D1, T1, 0:00-0:21 Curiously, in the film the last chord of the opening fanfare is held about a second longer than on the soundtrack. Presumably they used different takes for the film and soundtrack. Why? I have no idea. 0:00:22-0:00:29 = no music 0:00:29-0:01:59 = D1, T2, 0:00-1:31 0:01:59-0:02:54 = D1, T4, 0:00-0:54 0:02:54-0:04:17 = D1, T2, 2:30-3:53 0:04:17-0:04:26 = D1, T7, 3:20-3:29 0:04:26-0:05:46 = no music 0:05:46-0:07:04 = D1, T2, 5:22-6:41 0:07:04-0:08:21 = no music 0:08:21-0:10:09 = D1, T3, 0:00-1:42 Here the music matches, but not the timing (what takes 108 seconds in the film lasts 106 seconds in the soundtrack). I assume this is the result of different takes being used. 0:10:09-0:12:56 = no music 0:12:56-0:15:14 = D1, T3, 4:29-6:48 0:15:14-0:15:29 = no music 0:15:29-0:15:31 = D2, T11, 5:23-5:26 0:15:31-0:15:34 = D2, T11, 5:23-5:26 0:15:34-0:15:37 = D2, T11, 5:23-5:26 0:15:37-0:15:38 = D2, T11, 5:23-5:24 Notice that this music was actually written for the end of the film. As a result, it took some editing to get it to fit properly. Consequently, the couple of seconds starting at D2, T11, 5:23 are heard four times in a row. 0:15:38-0:16:02 = D2, T11, 5:34-5:58 0:16:02-0:16:12 = D2, T11, 6:11-6:21 0:16:12-0:16:30 = D1, T3, 7:54-8:11 0:16:30-0:16:49 = D1, T3, 0:10-0:29 0:16:49-0:19:47 = no music 0:19:47-0:21:30 = D1, T4, 3:18-4:16 0:21:30-0:21:55 = no music 0:21:55-0:25:52 = D1, T5, 0:01-4:01 0:25:52-0:26:15 = no music 0:26:15-0:29:31 = D1, T5, 4:27-7:36 0:29:31-0:33:15 = D1, T5, 7:40-11:28 0:33:15-0:33:40 = D1, T5, 11:16-11:41 (Notice the repeat of 11:16-11:28) 0:33:40-0:35:37 = D1, T5, 11:43-13:40 0:35:37-0:35:45 = no music 0:35:45-0:36:31 = D1, T5, 13:51-14:37 0:36:31-0:36:49 = no music 0:36:49-0:37:16 = D1, T6 0:01-0:27 0:37:16-0:39:40 = D1, T6, 0:29-2:54 0:39:40-0:40:48 = D1, T6, 2:57-4:05 0:40:48-0:41:35 = no music 0:41:35-0:42:55 = D1, T7, 0:00-1:20 0:42:55-0:42:56 = D1, T7, 1:19-1:20 0:42:56-0:43:26 = D1, T7, 1:19-1:48 Notice how 1:19-1:20 is actually heard three times in a row. 0:43:26-0:43:28 = no music 0:43:28-0:45:09 = D1, T7, 1:48-3:30 0:45:09-0:46:09 = no music 0:46:09-0:47:28 = D1, T7, 3:33-4:51 0:47:28-0:49:45 = no music 0:49:45-0:50:08 = D1, T8, 1:48-2:10 0:50:08-0:50:17 = D1, T8, 2:04-2:11 0:50:17-0:50:22 = D1, T8, 2:24-2:29 These last two don't line up perfectly. I assume a different take was used in the film than was used in the soundtrack. 0:50:22-0:50:46 = no music 0:50:46-0:52:19 = D1, T9, 0:01-1:34 0:52:19-0:53:47 = D1, T9, 1:35-3:03 0:53:47-0:54:31 = D1, T9, 2:39-3:25 Notice that 2:39-3:03 is heard twice in a row. 0:54:31-0:55:36 = no music 0:55:36-0:57:42 = D1, T10, 0:02-2:08 0:57:42-0:58:44 = no music 0:58:44-1:01:04 = D1, T10, 3:16-5:36 1:01:04-1:02:32 = no music 1:02:32-1:05:21 = D1, T11, 1:36-4:26 1:05:21-1:05:56 = D1, T11, 4:30-5:06 1:05:56-1:06:09 = no music 1:06:09-1:09:07 = D2, T3, 0:06-3:04 1:09:07-1:09:46 = no music 1:09:46-1:12:50 = D2, T4, 0:00-3:04 1:12:50-1:13:37 = D2, T4, 3:05-3:52 1:13:37-1:14:13 = no music 1:14:13-1:14:39 = D2, T5, 0:26-0:52 1:14:39-1:15:54 = no music 1:15:54-1:16:30 = D2, T5, 1:16-1:51 1:16:30-1:16:37 = D2, T5, 1:47-1:54 1:16:37-1:18:28 = D2, T5, 1:56-3:47 1:18:28-1:19:52 = D2, T5, 3:51-5:17 1:19:52-1:21:35 = no music 1:21:35-1:25:27 = D2, T6, 0:00-3:53 1:25:27-1:25:30 = no music 1:25:30-1:25:42 = D2, T7, 0:01-0:12 1:25:42-1:25:57 = D2, T7, 2:18-2:33 1:25:57-1:26:37 = D2, T7, 0:20-1:00 1:26:37-1:27:46 = no music 1:27:46-1:29:21 = D2, T7, 1:00-2:36 1:29:21-1:29:48 = no music 1:29:48-1:30:50 = D2, T7, 2:44-3:45 1:30:50-1:31:23 = no music 1:31:23-1:33:51 = D2, T8, 0:00-2:29 1:33:51-1:34:21 = no music 1:34:21-1:34:37 = D2, T9, 0:01-0:17 1:34:37-1:36:31 = D2, T9, 0:20-2:14 1:36:31-1:36:33 = D2, T9, 2:16-2:18 1:36:33-1:36:50 = D2, T9, 2:18-2:34 Several minute edits around here, making the timing unusual and inexact. 1:36:50-1:37:04 = no music 1:37:04-1:37:51 = D2, T9, 3:30-4:17 1:37:51-1:37:54 = unknown music There is an extra brass chord the film that doesn't seem to exist in the soundtrack. 1:37:54-1:39:12 = D2, T9, 4:17-5:35 1:39:12-1:40:27 = D2, T9, 5:37-6:51 1:40:27-1:41:46 = no music 1:41:46-1:43:54 = D2, T9, 8:12-10:20 1:43:54-1:45:52 = no music 1:45:52-1:47:06 = D2, T10, 0:26-1:42 1:47:06-1:49:44 = D2, T10, 1:38-4:15 1:49:44-1:50:27 = no music 1:50:27-1:52:22 = D2, T11, 0:00-1:56 1:52:22-1:54:17 = D2, T11, 1:55-3:51 1:54:17-1:54:26 = unknown music 1:54:26-1:54:40 = D2, T11, 3:57-4:11 1:54:40-1:55:18 = D2, T11, 4:08-4:46 1:55:18-1:55:30 = D2, T11, 4:51-5:02 1:55:30-1:55:55 = D2, T11, 5:04-5:29 1:55:55-1:55:59 = D2, T11, 0:02-0:06 1:55:59-1:56:15 = unknown music 1:56:15-1:56:21 = D2, T11, 5:27-5:32 1:56:21-1:56:49 = D2, T11, 5:36-5:54 1:56:49-1:56:56 = no music 1:56:56-1:58:56 = D2, T11, 6:14-8:14 1:58:56-1:58:59 = D2, T11, 5:24-5:27 1:58:59-1:59:48 = D2, T11, 8:14-9:03 1:59:48-2:00:09 = D2, T4, 0:31-0:52 2:00:08-2:00:40 = D2, T12, 0:01-0:34 2:00:40-2:01:34 = D2 T12, 0:29-1:22 2:01:34-2:04:36 = D2, T12, 1:34-4:37 There is a noticeable edit at 2:03:41 (right where the Imperial March begins a sustained high C is present in the soundtrack, but missing in the film), suggesting a different take was used than the one on the soundtrack. 2:04:36-2:07:20 = D2, T12, 3:42-6:25 |
The Music of Star WarsThese posts will help focus and develop my analyses of John Williams' film scores. Archives
December 2019