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Difficulty: Intermediate
My "Intermediate Origami" course focuses mainly on flowers and marine life, which are often very complicated and difficult to fold. But I needed a relatively easy fold that fit into one of those two categories to start with - something not too terribly difficult, but also not for absolute beginners, just to get the ball rolling. Significantly easier than the shark, dolphin, walrus, or turtle, my solution was the sperm whale. All origami projects are open to personalization and experimentation, but the sperm whale is particularly so. Following the directions will produce this: But, of course, that's just one way. Here are many others. Notice the difference (some subtle, some not so subtle) between these folds, mostly on the tail. Most of these folds are quite small in stature, the result of using 6" x 6" paper ... ... but I've always wanted to try substantially larger paper. And what better project to do so than a whale? Using an old CT Transit brochure, I was able to start with an 18" x 18" paper, thus creating a product thrice as large:
Origami Blog
My 8 March 2013 blog about origami prompted me to launch a second blog, one dedicated solely to origami. This way, as I complete instructional sheets, I can post them directly to this blog and it will not interfere with my Beatles blog. Categories
November 2014